This summer we will be welcoming 1,100 4-H’ers back to camp where they will have the opportunity to explore, have fun, be creative, and learn! Before the first group of campers arrive, we must raise $15,000, through our new campaign “Beds for Heads,” in order to purchase new bunk beds for Oak Lodge. We are excited to use Oak Lodge this year because that means more campers! Each set of wood, steel reinforced bunks costs $1,000 and includes mattresses, ladders, and safety rails. We're asking camp supporters to help us reach this goal and secure these beds for our campers' heads! In order to reach our goal we have a special way of fundraising. Each week, Iowa State University Collegiate 4-H and Alumni volunteers make calls to donors to raise funds to support the efforts of the Iowa 4-H Foundation. This on-going fundraising effort raises vital dollars to support programs and opportunities for Iowa's 4-H’ers."It is a great way for me to give back. As a 4-H alum from ...
Welcome to the Iowa 4-H Foundation blog! A place to connect, tell stories, and get in touch with what is happening with Iowa 4-H today.