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Showing posts from November, 2013

Thankful for 4-H

Thanksgiving is a special time to be thankful for the opportunities we are given and the people who have influenced our lives. We are approaching the holiday season and want to take the time to reflect on what we are thankful for in our life . Among many things that we have to be thankful for this year, we would like to take the time to give a special thanks to 4-H. We would like to take time to reach out and recognize members in our community that have made our 4-H experiences successful and helped to create great memories. 4-H Members: Thank you for everything you do. You are the reason we do what we do. Without you, 4-H would not exist. You dedication to the 4-H program, your hard-work and your talents do not go unnoticed. By living through the 4-H pledge each and every day, you inspire us to make the best better for our 4-H youth! We have seen many time over and over again, the impact that 4-H leaves on 4-H youth. It is an important role in youth development and we se...

Polk County 4-H'ers Prepare Meal for Governor

On Friday November 15, five 4-H'ers from Polk County had the honor of preparing and serving Governor Branstad a private sit down meal  with 14 close friends at Terrace Hill. The 4-H'ers arrived and ready to work at 4:30 PM and they didn't leave until 10:30 PM.  Governer Branstad, Joy Niklasen – Polk CYC, Laurel McGonegle, Jessica Bigelow, Rebecca Osthus, Alek Gill, Trevor Schwager, First Lady Chris Branstad in the Formal Dining Room at Terrace Hill. Alek Gill is helping Chef Sharron to prepare the main dish. Chef Sharron instructed the youth on their duties for the evening festivities. They prepared tasty appetizers, fresh salad and the main dish. The dessert was  homemade ice cream and chocolate cake from close friends attending the meal. The kids even helped with the clean-up process around the kitchen. And, yes, they were able to sample and even take home some of the leftovers from the meal they had prepared for the Governor.  It was a special e...

New Record Set!

The annual Iowa 4-H Foundation Call-A-Thon has been underway for over 10 weeks raising money for Iowa 4-H. Members of the Iowa State University Collegiate 4-H Club have been taking to the phones on behalf of the foundation during this annual fundraiser. The fall of 2012 had set the record with a total of $21,251 raised for the Iowa 4-H Foundation. On November 12, 2013, the collegiate 4-H members broke the 2012 record with a total of 22,135. Two days later, they raised an additional $2,000!   The running total is now at $27,345!! There are still four weeks of calling remaining, and they are not slowing down! The Call-A-Thon is under the direction of ISU Collegiate 4-H Programming Chair and Iowa 4-H Foundation student employee, Ashley Kinkade.  Current ISU Collegiate 4-H members have spent numerous evenings calling prospective 4-H supporters requesting donations.  Over a period of 19 calling evenings, they have volunteered over 47 hours of their time makin...