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Showing posts from February, 2010

Four Iowa Youth to Attend National 4-H Conference

Four 4-H members have been selected to represent Iowa at the National 4-H Conference in Chevy Chase, Md. The conference will be held March 20 through March 25. This year the conference will focus on citizenship. “These delegates will represent Iowa’s interests in the national 4-H program. These four youth are excellent representatives of 4-H’ers from across the state,” said Brenda Allen, Iowa State University Extension 4-H youth development specialist. The Iowa delegates are Grant Bargfrede , 18, Ankeny; Emma Christianson , 18, Lake Mills; Natalie DeBerg , 18, Burlington; and Sara Rockow , 18, Fort Dodge. Additionally, Annette Brown , ISU Extension 4-H program specialist from Boone, will accompany the youth. The Des Moines Register and Monsanto will sponsor the youth’s trip to Maryland. ISU Extension only sends four delegates per year, and candidates are eligible to attend National 4-H Conference only one time. Delegates must submit an application and be selected by a committee. “We...

Three Former 4-H Members Receive New York City Fashion Scholarships

Three former 4-H’ers from Iowa have returned from an all-expense paid trip to New York City where they received $5,000 scholarships and were recognized at a fashion industry dinner. The Iowa State University students were recipients of the prestigious Young Menswear Association Scholarships. “This event is like the Super Bowl of the fashion industry,” said Dianna Walsted, scholarship recipient. “It was a great event that was solely directed to us, the YMA Scholars. It was so great to see how much they value young, intelligent individuals who are entering the fashion industry.” Kristin Geiger, Boone County; Dianna Walsted, Woodbury County; and Jaclyn Wernimount, Calhoun County, are all apparel merchandising and design production students at Iowa State University. The three have another binding factor -- all were past 4-H members. “4-H showed me how to be compassionate through volunteer work, how to be creative through group craft projects and how to persevere when it came to the trials...

Catch This Current: One 4-H’er's Electric Story

Tymothy Wood is a lot like other high school seniors -- looking forward to the future. However, Wood has a plan, a very focused plan that he is passionate and confident about. “Without 4-H I would have never discovered what I like to do,” said Wood. “4-H has given me great insight on what my interests are and what I want to do with college.” In a 2009 study, the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University found that 4-H youth had higher grades than other youth, and 4-H’ers expectations to go to college also were higher. “I want to be on the cutting edge,” said Wood. The nine-year 4-H member, from Tabor, Iowa, plans to attend Iowa State University in fall 2010 to major in Electrical Engineering with a focus on green energy. Additional findings in the Tufts University study show that 4-H youth are more likely to participate in science, engineering and computer technology programs and plan to pursue careers in these areas than other youth. Wood has been a part...