is a special time to be thankful for the opportunities we are given and the
people who have influenced our lives. We
are approaching the holiday season and want to take the time to reflect on what
we are thankful for in our life.
Among many things that we have to be thankful for this year, we would like to take the time to give a special thanks to 4-H. We would
like to take time to reach out and recognize members in our community that have
made our 4-H experiences successful and helped to create great memories.
4-H Members: Thank you for everything you do. You
are the reason we do what we do. Without you, 4-H would not exist. You
dedication to the 4-H program, your hard-work and your talents do not go
unnoticed. By living through the 4-H pledge each and every day, you inspire us
to make the best better for our 4-H youth! We have seen many time over and over again, the impact that 4-H leaves on 4-H youth. It is an important role in youth development and we see 4-H members use the skills that they had gained through 4-H throughout their lives. Thank you!
4-H Volunteers: Thank you for the countless hours of volunteer time you give to make
each and every 4-H’ers experience memorable. Thank you for providing wonderful
learning opportunities. 4-H would not be
possible without the support of excellent volunteers, like you, that take time
away from their busy schedules to help better the 4-H program and lend a
helping hand. Thank you!
4-H Supporters: Thank you for your continuous support of Iowa 4-H and the Iowa 4-H Foundation. Your gifts make 4-H possible as we carry out our mission to provide financial resources for youth development through 4-H. We are thankful that you believe in the power of 4-H as much as we do. Thank you for making a difference in a youth's 4-H experience.
4-H Family: Because with 4-H, we are all family. We know that 4-H would not be
possible if we didn't have the support and encouragement from our family. Throughout
the whole 4-H experience, our 4-H family stands beside us and is proud of all
our accomplishments, no matter the outcome.
We have a
lot to give thanks for this year including 4-H. We hope that you take time to
give thanks to your club leader, your 4-H supporter and your 4-H family. As the
holiday season brings us closer together to our loved ones, please remember
those who have had the greatest impact in your life; big or small. We know that
4-H has had a big impact on our life, and we hope it has on your life, too.
Thank you!!
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